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MetaTrader (MT4)

Suitable for traders
of all skill levels

At Capital Index we provide our clients access to the world’s financial markets via the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. MetaTrader 4 (MT4) has emerged as one of the most widely implemented trading platforms to trade forex and CFDs, to analyse financial markets and to automate trading strategies across a variety of devices. MT4 is suitable for traders of all skill levels and offers a wide range of analytical tools and features to help you make better-informed trading decisions.

Trading on the Capital Index MT4 platform offers all the advantages of a MetaTrader 4 platform but with the execution speed, pricing, and support which defines our services.


Also available: Download for Windows

The Advantages of MetaTrader 4 (MT4)

  • 9 different time frames including tick charts
  • Technical Analysis with over 50 indicators and analytical objects
  • Trading signals and copy trading
  • Algorithmic trading (EAs)
  • Trade via desktop, mobile or tablet
  • An industry-leading platform
  • Flexible and convenient trading
  • Various order types
  • Trading from the chart
  • High-quality execution
  • 9 different time frames including tick charts
  • Technical Analysis with over 50 indicators and analytical objects
  • Trading signals and copy trading
  • Algorithmic trading (EAs)
  • Trade via desktop, mobile or tablet
  • An industry-leading platform
  • Flexible and convenient trading
  • Various order types
  • Trading from the chart
  • High-quality execution

Start Trading in
3 Easy Steps



The ultimate trading platform with all the insight you need at your fingertips. Make an informed decision or instantly browse the trades of regulated traders.


MetaTrader 4

MT4 is suitable for traders of all skill levels and offers a wide range of analytical tools and features to help you make better-informed trading decisions.

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