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Frequently Asked

Select one of the topics below to find an answer to the Frequently Asked Questions.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us to speak to a member of our team.

Platform FAQs

How can I download MetaTrader 4?

Capital Index offers the MetaTrader 4 platform for desktop, Android and iOS devices. Please use the following links to download:

How can I see my two accounts in the MT4 client terminal?

Only one account will show at a time in the MT4 Client Terminal.  You will need to login to each account separately and switch between them if you hold more than one trading account.

Are EAs available on MT4 Mobile?

No, EAs are currently not available on the mobile apps.

How do I see all the currency pairs that Capital Index offers?

Within the Market Watch window, all of the currency pairs eligible to trade can be viewed by right-clicking within this section and selecting ‘Show All’. This will display the requested currency pairs.

What price is displayed on the charts in MT4?

All charts in MT4 are displayed using the bid price only. In order to show the ask or offer price, please select the chart, press F8 on your keyboard and enable “Show Ask line” under the “Common” tab.

What are expert advisors?

With MetaTrader 4, you can use automated trading strategies called expert advisors (EA) to perform prompt technical analysis of price data and manage trading activities based on current market conditions. If you are using an EA and do not have a Virtual Private Server subscription, your EAs will stop running when you are logged out of Meta Trader.

If you have questions on how an EA works, you will need to contact the EA provider but, if you need help managing EAs in MetaTrader 4, our Client Services department will be happy to help you.

How do I fix the “Waiting for Update” message on my charts?

Click on the symbol you want to view from the Market Watch section of the trading platform and drag it into the chart window.

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MetaTrader 4

MT4 is suitable for traders of all skill levels and offers a wide range of analytical tools and features to help you make better-informed trading decisions.


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