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Frequently Asked

Select one of the topics below to find an answer to the Frequently Asked Questions.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us to speak to a member of our team.

Account Management FAQs

Where can I see my statements and account history?

You receive daily and monthly statements by email. Additionally, you can download your trade history reports from the MT4 trade terminal directly.

The dealing software tracks all trading activity in real time, allowing clients to view current open positions, real-time profit and loss, margin availability, account balances and all historical transaction details directly on-screen. In addition, clients can access their account statements by right-clicking in the Account History tab and selecting their time frame.

What is the difference between Balance and Equity?

Balance: When you have no open positions, balance is the amount of money you have in your account. For example, when you have $5,000 in your account and you have no open position, your account balance is $5,000.

Equity: Equity is your account balance plus the floating profit/loss of your open positions: Equity = Balance + Floating Profit/Loss. For example, when you have open positions and they are $1,500 in profit in total, then your account equity is your account balance plus $1,500. If your positions were $1,500 in negative, then your account equity would be your account balance minus $1,500.

I can’t log onto my account/I have forgotten my password.

To reset your password at any time please click this link. If this does not work, please contact a member of our Client Services Team by emailing support@capitalindex.com or phoning 44 (0)207 060 5120.

Is my Portal Password different to my MT4 password?

No. Your passwords are the same for both your Client Portal and your MT4 trading account.

What can I do if I have a trade query?

If you need to discuss a trade, please contact our Client Services Department at support@capitalindex.com or by phone on +44 (0)20 7060 5120. Please have your trading account number and trade ID ready.  

How can I contact Learn To Trade?

You can contact Learn To Trade on:

  • UK 020 7751 8900
  • ZA +21 11 783 0716
  • AU (02) 8412 6000
  • PHL +632 626 3200

Where can I find my account balance?

Your account balance is located in your Trading Terminal in MT4.

How do I close my account?

If you wish to close your account, please send us an email to support@capitalindex.com from your registered email address and we will arrange this for you.

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